Bold. Embodied. Connected.

Reconnect with your body, embrace the depths of your desire, and create a life of authenticity & pleasure.

First thing’s first, I’m so glad you’re here. That means you’re at least curious about exploring the possibilities for yourself as an embodied, erotic being and that is HOT. If just reading those words scared you a little bit, that’s a great place to start. Whatever inspired you to enter the search terms “sex and intimacy coach,” I’m proud of you for asking questions and taking the first step.

Our society rarely offers opportunities for us to settle into our bodies. We are constantly in a state of activation by way of social media, news updates, systemic racism, the wheels of capitalism, fatphobia & body shaming, misgendering, the work/family/personal time balance, everyday triggers, expectations (real or perceived)… I could go on. If we are unable to stay settled in connection with our own bodies, it’s unrealistic that we would be able to settle into connection with other people. Yet, here we are, striving for perfect romances, friendships, family connections, and working relationships. It’s a lot of work and you’re fucking tired. Not to mention how easy it is to lose oneself in trying to manage all of the above and more. Where and how do pleasure and desire even fit into your life? The answer: everywhere.

You’ve been running at or beyond capacity for a long time and there are a lot of feelings sending a lot of energy coursing through your whole body. Together, we step into a co-created container where you learn to attune to yourself, and we attune to each other. By practicing the tools of secure attachment and being with my settled nervous system, your own nervous system will settle. You will learn to teach someone how to love and care for you and how to be empathetic to others’ needs & feelings without subsuming your own.

Everyone gives and receives love differently, once you know your optimal conditions for love they can be shared with the people you want to be in connection with. With practice, your body will eventually just know how to feel settled and connected. You will learn to listen to your body’s alert systems and identify the early warning signs of a state of activation via triggers, anxiety, panic, threat etc. AND have the tools to self-soothe and, eventually, feel your way through it. You will learn how to employ the ethics of repair in your relationships and strengthen the bonds between your authentic self and the people you care about. You will learn the life-changing skills of sharing vulnerably and listening empathetically. You will deepen your self-love.